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29 March 2018 Program of the VendExpo Business Forum was attended by Dmitry Dubinsky,
technical director of Mass Stampa.
28 – 30 March 2018 This
year our company participates in the VendExpo exhibition. We invite you
to visit our stand No. A505.
2017 Ignacio Scarella operates a fleet of
Ebayar kiosks with KIOSKIX software in Chile: MASS Stampa has reached
about 30 countries with our KIOSKIX Cloud SAAS.
2017 MASS Stampa took part in HKDTC 2017 and
Canton Fair 2017 with it`s strategic partner Ebayar Chuanyisoft
Animation Company
2017 MASS Stampa has engaged into strategic
partnership with Ebayar
Chuanyisoft Animation Company (Guangzhou, China), maker and world-wide
distributor of self-service media solutions. Ebayar kiosks will be
distributed with preinstalled KIOSKIX Cloud software that will allow
Ebayar customers to remotely control their fleets of devices and employ
newer functions and capabilities as they are being developed and
implemented by MASS Stampa into it's SAAS kiosk software.
March 24–25 2016 participation in
the exhibition TelecoDays Prague 2016.
for the first time our employees successfully participate in the event
TelecoDays. This year it was held in Prague, our company was
represented by Maxim Lapshinova, and Igor Garanin. The event was
attended wholesale VoIP providers, vendors, mobile operators,
developers of VoIP solutions and other representatives of the
telecommunications industry such as Etisalat, Orange, T-systems,
T-mobile, Jerasoft, etc. the format of the international meetings
included panel discussions, conference speeches, business negotiations
and meetings.
May 21 2015 Almaty.
Participation in the conference IDC Security Roadshow 2015.
MASS Group jointly with Red Hat ( MASS Group is already for several
years isv partner RH, the world's leading provider of software
solutions based on open source code) in the conference IDC Security
Roadshow 2015.
During the event, employees of MASS MO participated in working meetings
and conferences, round tables; has established contacts with a large
number of it companies the Asian sector of the CIS. Continued fruitful
cooperation with the largest operators of cellular communication of
Kazakhstan KCELL and Kazakhtelecom.
April 20–26 2015 the
Study of innovation in Silicon valley. IT management tour to the USA.
Introductory business trip, our staff headed by Igor Garanin,
the Director of MASS Group, in the best IT companies in Silicon valley.
We visited Google, Stanford, Oracle, and Microsoft, Intel, Facebook,
Box, linkedln'e, Amazon, SAP, etc.
30-31 october 2014
Specialist of "MACC MO" company participated in 5th sammit of headquter
members and leading managers "Optimisation of contact center" which was
held on October the 30-31 in 2014.
Our staff members presented the report on "Ombrello - The united
working place of Contact Center operator. Unite the ununitable:
unification of multityped informational systems in the base of one
unique client serving interface.